There is no you, there is no me, there is only unity

We Love Each Other More Than Enough To Make The Dream
We Are Love is wholly dedicated to the rising feminine spirit in the world, and, as result, assists and supports children to become everything they are meant to be. The youth are the ultimate teachers. Embracing the holistic model of co-creation, We Are Love consciously fosters the gender balance of feminine-masculine to create a new illuminated world, where all have an equal voice in determining the right paths to take. We Are Love knows a just, thriving global society is achieved by respecting and listening to, learning from and protecting Earth and our natural maternal instinct. This is our birthright. Diversity breeds unity. Accordingly, We Are Love actively engages with newly emerging leaders who recognize true leadership is gained by ceding power, by graciously empowering those around them to tap into their visionary gifts. The music, films, and projects of We Are Love are purely devoted to uplifting Humanity. At a time of unprecedented global crises, always the answer is Love, integrity, generosity, and empathy: a conscious, healing global community.

We Are Love celebrates, encourages, and uplifts the feminine indwelling everyone and everything, the transformation of Consciousness into Unity Consciousness that Humanity is now beginning to experience, that all life is connected and interdependent. From this the balance of feminine and masculine is born, a sister-brotherhood of the heart, nurturing each other by letting go of the old egotistical, fear-based energy and its co-dependency systems, and becoming the new heart-based energy of unlimited possibility. Scientifically, the foundation upon which We Are Love is built is quantum. Its true nature is Love.

At its core We Are Love is creating a global series of events unlike anything seen or experienced before: uniting music, film, the visual arts, dance, science, and multidimensional holography. Celebrating all cultures in unity, the world's finest, most beloved artists of all kinds, world leaders from all fields of evolutionary endeavor, scientists, experiential-educators, Indigenous communities, climate advocates, healers and spiritual figures are intimately involved. Equally dear, in bold, unique, inspiring ways, We Are Love supports and participates in peacemaking, harmony, and foundations empowering children and women in all cultures, as well as new economic systems devoted to equitable distribution through the example of diverse ecosystems.

We Are Love has secured access to the world's largest live-streaming Internet and TV platform. In 2025 it now has over 2 billion global subscribers. And through direct association with its architect and founder, We Are Love will have its own dedicated TV/Internet network. This is one of many jewels recently come into resonance supporting We Are Love and Humanity’s unique potential in this extraordinary moment of transformation. The We Are Love global series of events will be transformational, multidimensional, inspirational, healing, and a magnet for aligned souls to meet and co-create, uplifted by how Humanity expresses its heart’s wishes, its highest vibration; synchronistic encounters and miracles are normal experiences.

We Are All Lighthouses
We Are Love is graced to be a partner with Quantum Star Systems, representing the next leap in technology: Quantum Computing, a direct bridge to Source, to Love, transforming the world into the new Illuminated World of Love and Light. Among many breakthroughs, QSS will cure and eradicate all disease. QSS powers the We Are Love global series of events.
We Are Love is graced to be a partner with the prestigious Umbria Film Festival, a transformational platform for music and film, featuring both emerging and established visionary musical and cinematic talent.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the exquisite Moldovan artist Cristina Balan, a true visionary of the emerging artists in the world. Featured in galleries from Tokyo to New York, Cristina's transcendent work is the inspired voice of the soul made manifest in illuminated colors and light, a loving portal to Humanity's true divine nature.

We Are Love is graced to be a co-creating with Siren Call Films, who are devoted to telling the true stories of women around the world through visionary films, with positive, uplifting feminine characters.
We Are Love is also graced to be co-creating with the resplendent Italian actress Elisabetta Pellini, who is devoted to storytelling that creates the remembrance of paradise, the image and music that stops time and restores Humanity and Earth to perfect harmony and balance.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, a pioneer in transdisciplinary research into solving at a quantum, causal level, the problems facing Humanity and the Earth at this transformational time. It offers key focus in Education, Healthcare, and Systemic Impact and Leadership (SIL).
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with Elizabeth Wathuti, the gracious Kenyan champion of the Earth. Uniting as one voice, one spirit with all of the climate Queens, Elizabeth is achieving inspiring transformation with youth around the world. Through her Green Generation Initiative, young people are discovering their true connection with Mother Earth, how She is within all Humanity, all Life everywhere. And We Are Love is purely grateful for Elizabeth's beautiful, profound devotion.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the angelic Afghan Nilofar Ayoubi. An outspoken, empathetic voice for children, women's rights, and gender equality in her home country since she was a teenager, risking her life, luminous Nilofar recently fled Afghanistan with her children and husband to continue her mission, bringing her healing message to the world. A dear beloved of our founder, We Are Love is so grateful for Nilofar and her infinite grace.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with Ancient Heart Awakening, who are purely devoted to healing and uplifting Humanity and Mother Earth at this time of transformation. Pretty Lotus Blossom and her divine team of healers are ever on call for you, with Light and Love and Joy.
We Are Love is also graced to be co-creating with Yoga On The Road, whose mission is to raise the vibration of Love and Consciousness on Earth, tending with loving care to the feminine spirit. With great vision, Dheva co-creatively brings together healers, artists, teachers, quantum physicists, and more.
We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with Solara Nectarrain, an interdimensional, cosmic avatar, who assists Humanity to fully awaken to its eternal perfection. Solara's profound devotion is truly experienced by all Life, and her mission with We Are Love is a deep part of her calling.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with Elen Elenna, the Golden Elven Queen. An author, shamanic dreamer and Elven Ascension guide, words are inadequate in revealing Elen's exquisitely beautiful heart: sharing the wisdom of the Elven ones and the Star Elders of the New Dawn, she is magical.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with Chris Martin and Coldplay, their heart-based music a loving, bright light guiding us to the New Illuminated World. From its inception, We Are Love was founded by many beloved artists, Chris and Coldplay included, to create the transformational We Are Love global series of events. For this we are so grateful.
We Are Love is also graced to be co-creating with Jayrajsinh Chavda, the visionary Hindu filmmaker who chronicles the journey of the soul of Humanity. Jay's devotion to this mission is beauty incarnate, unfailing in faith, and pure in its intention. Jay is code for Joy, and he, too, was lovingly present at the birth.
We Are Love is also graced to be a partner with the graceful, tremendously gifted actress/producer/director Stephanie Tripp. A Goddess walking upon Earth, Lady Stephanie lives purely through her heart, and fires the soul with Light in her every creative expression. Life is a living devotion to Goddess-Queen Stephanie.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the World Research foundation. Dedicated to providing the most comprehensive global information regarding health, WRF has no bias, and encompasses both ancient and current collected data from nontraditional and traditional medicine. It is widely considered to be a principal source of alternative medicine treatments and therapies.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the radiant, blissful singer-songwriter Carolien Flecijn. Carolien's song My Sweet Angel, gifted to her by her angel son Raphael, has already opened and healed many hearts, and marks the beginning of her and Raphael's heavenly gifts to the world.
We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the luminous Greek actress/filmmaker Maria Raptaki. A dazzling expression of the Divine Feminine, Maria is a sheroe, creative powerhouse, and is purely devoted to Love's issuance into the world. The ancients breathe sweetly through Maria, Goddesses all.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the stunning Romanian artist Daciana Pszota. An astonishingly inspired chronicler of the shining spirit of Romania, Daci recently burst onto the world stage with all her amazing gifts on display, even gifting one of her paintings to the wife of the French President, Madame Macron.

We Are Love is also graced to be co-creating with Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand's evolutionary Prime Minister. In a short period of time Jacinda has demonstrated what strong feminine leadership is, and how the feminine spirit truly co-creates with and cares for all people, especially including women and children.

We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the luminous Giovanna Di Lauro. A master of so many creative gifts, Giovanna has exquisite experience in all the arts, PR, design, anthropology: the list is endless. She is a Goddess-on-Earth, and it is her vision, her Goddess-given ability to perceive beauty and truth that makes her shine.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with Love's eternal composer Stevie Wonder. Purely devotional and joyous, dear Brother Stevie has been uplifting Humanity through his indomitable, all-seeing, all-knowing heart for decades. And it is We Are Love's great pleasure to have him continue his mission with us since We Are Love was born.

We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with Metatron. Known throughout the world and the Universe by many names and in many forms, in pure co-creation Archangel Metatron has been with We Are Love since its birth. In its devotion, We Are Love is guided by Love's voice, Love's vision, Love's hand, Love's Presence, and for this we are so very grateful.
We Are Love is graced to be co-creating with the exquisite Italian actress-singer Susy Stefanizzi. One of the most gifted artists of the age, Susy is devoted to telling the true story of the heart, the Feminine heart, with power and tenderness and joy, and most gracefully embodies the Divine Feminine.
We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the gracious beloved healer Ron Wilding. In his final incarnation, dear Ron was the successful healing conduit for well over 100,000 people, and was responsible for bringing healing through one's guides into the modern world. Working closely with We Are Love's founder for many years before his Ascension, ever Ron is with us.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the magnificent Moldovan artist couple Grev Kafi. Devoted husband and wife, Grev Kafi gift Humanity the spectacularly inspired vision of the Illuminated Multidimensional world, their work filled with Light and Love and Bliss. Praises and joy to you.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the Prophet of Love Martin Luther King, Jr. With We Are Love since its birth, beloved Brother Martin is in the very core of We Are Love's heart. We Are Love does not ever boast of his gracious presence. It is Martin's pure joy and devotion and eternal wisdom that tenderly guide We Are Love into the arms of Love. There are no words.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with Cura Cura, the magical madrigal band of Love. Now beginning to emerge as a brilliant, essential musical expression of the new energy, Cura Cura fuses folk music with soul, rock, and melodic pop, and so much more. With joy the angels sing through Cura Cura.
We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the superbly gifted Swedish artist Signe Palm. Author, poet, actress, and painter, sweet Signe is the very essence of the Feminine energy birthing in the world today. Egoless, devoted, pure, and filled with Lovelight, Signe is about to be revealed as the voice of Nature.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the exquisite band of love Sade. Peerless in their expression of the soundtrack of the soul, seemingly effortlessly Sade have been seeding the Divine Feminine energy on Earth since the 1980s, with elegance and grace, purity and joy. And We Are Love is so grateful.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with InSpirArt Moldova, who are wholly dedicated to the rise in Unity Consciousness. Four sublimely gifted artists truly co-creating as one heart, one soul, one spirit, InSpirArt exquisitely expresses through symbols and multidimensional imagery the Transformation now occurring, a deeply devoted portal to the divine. And We Are Love is joyous for their presence.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with supremely joyous Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In his unparalleled lifetime of devotion, beloved Desmond was a gentle, loving, unswerving champion for women, along with his magnificent dedication to human rights, peace on Earth, and the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. His spirit is pure grace. The Yeshu'a series of books is included in his official library. And We Are Love is purely joyous and grateful for Desmond's divine presence in our heart.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine partner with the resplendent Hedy Lamarr. Called the most beautiful woman in the world, Hedy was an exceptional inventor, who gifted planet Earth with the basis for all wireless technology: frequency hopping: Wi-Fi, Blue Tooth, GPS, cell-phone. No woman contributed more to Humanity's development in the 20th-21st centuries. Her knowledge that Light itself is made of the vibratory waveform patterns of sound, frequency, music is truly divine. Hedy is Queen of the Stars and of our hearts.

We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine partner with glorious Elsa, the lioness who changed the world. In her radiant spirit, Queen Elsa truly unites hearts. Her courageous journey reveals to humanity that our beloved animal cousins are not pets but family, and should not be kept in cages, in zoos. We are in service to them. For the first time in the modern world, Elsa demonstrated not only were she and all wildlife born free, and must live free, but that, as humans, we, too, are free, born free, and ultimately only fulfill the promise of our true essence living free of constraints, free to follow our hearts, caring deeply for each other. Mother Nature is not a commodity. Elsa, we are so grateful for you, and love you with all our hearts.

We Are Love is graced to be a quantum-divine, co-creative partner with visionary Hathor Studios. In its dedication to truth and beauty, writing a new narrative in which all life is honored and cherished, elevated and interconnected, Hathor Studios is at the forefront of revealing the long-hidden secret of existence. As it opens each door, Hathor Studios' inspired mission to uplift humanity and the world is achieved: lovingly, fearlessly, presciently opening hearts and minds to the magical illuminated Universe. And our gratitude is limitless, beyond words.
We Are Love is also graced to be a quantum-divine, co-creative partner with the resplendent Kat Kikta. An astonishingly inspired multidimensional singer-songwriter, actress, artist originally hailing from Slovakia, musically Kat fuses together organic ambient music with electronica, jazz, r & b, transcendent healing music, and pop-dance vibe, with her exquisite voice of starlight. Pure and passionate, earthy yet ethereal, Kat Kikta sings to us from the Pleiades and Andromeda, opening the portal to Paradise. Thank you, Kitty Kat, for your divine presence and sweet, eternal devotion.
We Are Love is graced to be a co-creative, quantum-divine partner with the luminously inspired singer-songwriter Sandi Kimmel. Music healer, sound alchemist, uplifter, soul chronicler extraordinaire of the inner journey to reunion: beloved Sandi is purely devoted to Humanity’s awakening, gifting her true essence for others to find theirs within themselves, knowing it always resides in the heart. With gorgeous songs directly from Source, her new album is A Year Of Sundays. And with great joy We Are Love embraces our cherished Sister of Love.

We Are Love is releasing transformational music, radio play in Europe, the USA and India prepared, with unique promotions and gorgeous videos. The first single is Let Go, with many more to follow. Available on all platforms, the first We Are Love album has been released and global radio play is beginning. With joy, click on the images below and lovingly feast your eyes and ears on We Are Love's first videos:


Rejoice! Sublime Filament Publishing announces the Yeshu'a series is in development to be transformed into a film, followed by a streaming series, with Novacom, Hathor Studios and We Are Love in an international production partnership.

With joy We Are Love announces the We Are Love album release. Available on all platforms, 14 We Are Love songs will soon launch globally on radio, along with media coverage. Other promotions will include We Are Love billboards in major cities, radio interviews and more.
Pietro is in the news with Cristina Balan

Pietro appeared with gracious Lynn Andrews on her popular radio show and podcast Kindred Spirits. You may listen to the conversation here:
Stay tuned for updates regarding the We Are Love global series of events, devotional activities, international community programs, music, films, and so much more.
Peter Moon, Pietro de la Luna, the founder of We Are Love, is a well-known healer, bestselling author, composer, singer-songwriter, musician, producer, and filmmaker. Stevie Wonder says, "Peter Moon is the most beautiful man in the world." You may read more about him here:

The CEO of MWW Management, Angie Seegers sees to all PR, bookings, negotiations, management, marketing, etc., for We Are Love. Angie is just a Miracle Girl of Love, and We Are Love could not breathe without her. Also a producer, along with Spike Lee, of the award-winning 2018 film Amazing Grace, you may read about her here:

The magic is happening as We Are Love unites and begins to co-create. All the pieces of the puzzle reveal themselves and rise perfectly into place by holding the vision and by the intention to be purely heart-based. With great joy We Are Love invites you to become a part of the family, to be the Transformation, knowing you truly already are.
What are your special gifts? In what ways would you like to help heal the world? How would you like to contribute at this extraordinary time? From retreats, to the We Are Love global series of events, from music and dance and film, to community programs designed to empower women and children, the We Are Love family is a truly multicultural, multigenerational family, present in every country in the world. And it is our joy and pleasure, precious beloveds, to invite you to join us.
And you can always reach us here: love@lovewearelove.com